JavaScript {ES6} Features
ES6, also known as ECMAScript 2015 and ECMAScript 6. The new features introduces in ES6 version of JavaScript are:
1. Arrow Functions
Arrow functions provides a concise syntax writing functions, especially useful for short, one-line operations.
Arrow functions are not hoisted. They must be defined before they are used.
2. let & const
let: Declares a block-scoped local variable.
Variables declared with let must be Declared before use and it cannot be Redeclared in the same scope.
const: Declares a block-scoped, read-only named constant.
Variables defined with const cannot be Redeclared and cannot be Reassigned.
3. Template Literals
Template literals allow embedding expressions inside strings, providing a cleaner and more readable way to concantenate strings.
4. Destructring Assignment
Destructuring assignment simplifies the extractions of values from objects or arrays into individual variables.
5. Spread Operator
The spread operator allows for the expansion of elements, making it handy for creating new arrays or objects based on existing ones.
6. Rest Parameter
The rest parameter allows functions to accept an indefine number of arguments as an array, simplifying parameter handling.
7. Async/Await
Async/await is a syntax for handling asynchronous code more concisely, providing a cleaner alternative to working with Promises.
8.Map & Set
Map is an ordered collection of key-value pairs. The keys can be any datatype.
You can add elements to a Map with the set() method and gets the value of a key in a Map using get() method.
Set is a collection of unique of values. The values can be of any type, primitive values or objects.
9. Default Parameters
Default parameters provide values for function parameters if none are provided, improving flexibility and reducing the need for explicit checks.
10. Modules
ES6 modules provide a clean and organized way to structure and import/export code, improving maintablity and reusability.
11. map Method
The map method is used to create a new array by applying a provided function to each element of an existing array.
12. filter Method
The filter method used to create a new array containing only the element that satisfy a specified condition.
12. reduce Method
The reduce method is used to accumulate the elements of an array into a single value.
Happy Learning and Fun Coding!!!😊.